Sunday, 5 June 2011

About Me

Hi There,

My name is Lan (pronounced La-r-n) Chan. Welcome to my little blog.  

I am a writer, gardener and professional procrastinator based in Melbourne, Australia. I'm still waiting for my super powers to manifest but until then I spend my free time writing young adult novels featuring strong female protagonists, minority characters with a particular interest in dystopias and urban fantasy. My debut novel POISON, the first in my WIND DANCER series is due for release in September 2015.

I am more than happy to do features/interviews at other blogs. Or to just chew the fat and obsess over gardening and books. Feel free to drop me a line at

Happy Obsessing!



  1. Hey LAN... Just wanna say that I love your blog. I'm fairly new at blogging and I enjoy reading the wealth of info that you as well as other bloggers/writers share in your blogs. Keep it coming. :)

  2. I'm a newcomer to the blog but wanted to say hey and that your blog looks pretty awesome :D I'm also a book lover ;D

  3. Hi Lan,
    I'm Carmen Stefanescu from:
    I signed to follow your blog. I'd be glad if you could honor mine, too.
    I live in Romania, better known as Dracula's country. I am a teacher of English and German in my own town and country.
    Best regards!

  4. Thanks for following back!
    If, one day, your TBR list gets smaller, maybe you can add to it my Shadows of the Past!

  5. Hi Lan,

    My husband found your review by chance recently and I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your review of Floating Upstream. I wrote it over 15 years and I appreciate you taking the time to read and review it. As a self-pubbed Australian author, knowing that my wrk is being read is truly the best. Thanks! Jo


I believe in comment karma. Comment and I shall return :)