Monday, 6 May 2013

Review Ghost Town

I want to apologise for the lack of book reviews on this so called book review blog. I wish I had a good excuse for it but if I'm honest it's just because I haven't really been reading any books and when I do I can't for the life of me concentrate on writing a review of it. I think for the most part I have been dreading writing reviews because I have OCD and it takes me forever to get what I want to say written and even when I finally write something coherent it's not exactly how I wanted to express myself. I have all the thoughts they just don't come out right.
        Then I go and look at all the other reviews the book I've read has gotten and some of them are so long and well expressed and I can't hope nor do I have the time to invest in something similar. That makes me feel like I'm doing a book, especially an indie book, a disservice.
        On top of that I get the guilts because I have accepted heaps of review books and I keep reading other books I've picked up which have piqued my interest more. So right now I'm working on changing my review policy so I don't get everybody's hopes up and I can manage better. I'm going to cut down my reviews so I don't feel like there's such a heavy weight on my shoulders when I go to write one.
       Hopefully that will mean I am more inclined to review books because at the moment reviewing just isn't fun anymore. Anyway, that's me, signing out for now.