June’s Question is: Did you ever say “I quit”? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?
I actually feel like I want to quit right now! It’s
not the writing that gets me down as an indie, it’s the marketing and
keeping up with everything that needs to be done in order to stay on top
of my game. It doesn’t help that I’ve recently
joined an indie FB group with over 10k members, a lot of whom are very
experienced and make over six figures a year (some even make six figures
a month!). It’s hard not to do the comparison thing when I see their
posts and it makes me feel like no matter how
much time and energy I put into this pursuit, I’m already so far behind
and I’ll never catch up. On top of that is the fact that I despise
technology. It’s a miracle that I even have a blog. So to think about
all the things I need to do just to make sure I
remain relevant makes me feel exhausted before I have even finished
writing. The only thing that keeps me going is stubbornness. I refuse to
be that person who gives up when there are so many out there making it