Tuesday 27 October 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015!!!!

It’s that time of year again! I can’t believe how quickly November comes around these days. In a way I’m thankful because NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWrimo seem to be the only times of year that I actually get much writing done.
       This time around I have had some foresight and have asked for  time off work in order to concentrate on my writing. In previous years I’ve worked throughout the month and have almost killed myself trying to make the word count. I’ve gotten sick every year without fail and that has meant I always end up making a really mad dash for the finish line which is just not fun at all. Having, said that, I am a bit of a loon and given that I’ve got time off I’ve decided that instead of just shooting for the 50k word count I’m going to try and write most of the novel in November so I’ll aim for 75k instead. I don’t like my chances because I tend to get a bit bored of my worlds after a big stint of writing so I’m going to have to be very well prepared so as not to lose steam.  
       To all those who are thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo this year: GOOD LUCK! Hit me up on the website if you’d like some encouragement. My username is write_obsession. I have some blog posts prepared to go live during the month so that I don’t get too stressed about keeping up with social media. Besides that I shall see you all on the flip side. Hopefully with a full novel under my belt! Oh and in case anyone is wondering, I am writing book 3 in my Wind Dancer series!


  1. You can do it! You've planned ahead, which is smart.

  2. Wait! Book three isn't written yet? Argh!!! Good luck! Smart taking time off work.

    1. Haha! No I haven't even started but I'm hoping to get it done asap!

  3. Ah, you've lowered the word count goal! It should be easier now, especially with some time off work. Good luck! I'll be on Skype cheering you on as much as you need. ;) I may even be willing to do some word sprints with you, provided you find yourself without a partner at some points.

    1. I've set up a skype group for the sprints so hopefully it works out! But I would be more than happy sprinting with you any time!


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