May's question is: What is the weirdest/coolest thing you ever had to research for your story?
I think I’ve complained on here a number of times
about how much I dislike research. It’s number two on my list of things I
hate about being a writer after editing. Sadly, much like editing,
research is unavoidable. Which is why I try and
write what I know as much as I can! Most of my characters so far have
been gardeners/florist/ horticulturalists. For my novel Poison which
has its base in genetically modified organisms, I watched a lot of
documentaries just to get a bit of a big picture idea
of who the key players are. If you haven’t seen Food Inc. I really
recommend it. I don’t know if I would class it as cool but all the
things Monsanto do to our food supply is eye opening.