Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Insecure Writer's Support Group: NaNoWriMo Edition

Insecure Writer's Support Group is a blog hop hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh where totally insecure writers can get together and share the things that are making us go argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IWSG Question: Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?

I think I’ve mentioned before in previous posts that NaNo is just about the only time these days when  I get any writing done. I fact, I’m currently working to change that because I obsessively write for a month only to burn out and not write for months after. As a result, I always finish my NaNo projects. In fact, I got in to NaNo and Camp NaNo with the express intention of writing my next novel with a view of eventually publishing it.

This year I took leave of my senses and decided that on top of NaNo I would also join a yearly writing challenge called Get Your Words Out. This is a challenge done out of LiveJournal and Dreamwidth in which participants pledge the amount they’re going to write for the year. For some reason that I now cannot remember, I chose to pledge the insane amount of 500k. At the moment I’m sitting on about 300k words written. So I have another 200k to write before 31 December or I fail. Suffice to say, my anxiety level is through the roof right now. I know I should cut myself some slack but the thought of not winning really bugs me. Hence the reason for the word obsession in this blog name. I just hope I don’t burn out completely by doing this.

To all those participating in NaNo, good luck! See you all on the other side.


  1. 500K? That's not a typo?! Yes, you are completely mad, but good luck and write on.

  2. I think it’s an awesome commitment! Good luck! and don’t stress out too bad.

  3. That's a lot of words! But even if you come close, that is really impressive.

  4. The other side is exactly the way to phrase it. Good luck.

  5. Okay, that IS nuts, but you're probably the only person I know who could actually do that in one year.


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