Monday, 16 January 2012

Misc Monday: Publishing, What's All The Fuss?

You guys should probably know by now that aside from being a book blogger, one of my goals is to become a published author one day. I know a lot of you guys have the same dreams too. But guess what I discovered when I went home to my parents place for the weekend? It seems like I already am a published author. Ta da!

It's bound and laminated and everything. So what if I did it when I was ten. Although I can't show you what the story is about because I'm pretty sure it'll be a breach of copyright against the good people at Archie Comics, but you can guess that it's about Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead.

It seems that despite the my early achievements, writing wasn't always my first love as this author's bio would attest to:

Is eating even a hobby? Well even if it isn't, I excel at it! Thankfully I've retired the idea of becoming a singer. But if you think being blurbed by Stephanie Meyer is impressive, check this out:

Yep, Lois and Clark. Even Superman thinks I'm awesome. So really guys, I don't know what all the fuss is with publishing. I have been there and done that!


  1. Brave girl! I don't know where the stuff I wrote when I was ten has gone and I don't WANT to know! I have this horrible feeling it's somewhere at Mum's place an will turn up when I least want it to.

    Well done being blurbed by Lois and Clark! :-) Of course, they know you're terrific.

    I'm doing something along these lines for my students - when I get around to it, I'm going to catalogue the latest items, dictionaries of vampires and cookery from my Year 8 students. I already have some children's books about tsunamis written by previous Year 8 students and weren't they thrilled to see themselves in the catalogue!

    1. You should def do something like this for your kids. I can guarantee they would love it. I was so happy to find this story, I'd forgotten all about it. The drawings are pretty bad but the plot is so something I would make up.

    2. This is to cute.
      just fyi this whole commenting things has me all confused. I'm not sure why.

  2. That's fantastic! I love the bio. (What is playing elastics?!) And the blurb...very nice. Clark & Kent have fabulous taste!

    I've got piles of stories, too...none that were laminated, but a few that were stapled together.

    Thanks for sharing! :) Made me smile.

  3. That's so cute! It's amazing how great our imaginations are when we're younger. At one point, I started to write a story called 101 Kittens, as a play off of 101 Dalmatians. I just wanted to draw pictures of cats. Lol.

  4. All I can say to this is AW! I used to write a ton of little stories when I was a kid, but I hardly let anyone read them because I was so shy. Kudos! And good luck with your future publishing endeavors!

  5. OH MY GOSH!! There are no words for how absolutely AMAZING this is!!! <3 LOOOOOL it doesn't matter that you wrote it when you were 10, Lan -- I just love that you wrote it at all! Did it mean you wanted to be a writer when you were younger too? Because that would be just plain awesome! x)

    I seriously CANNOT help how adorable your book is! And Lois & Clark? EPIC WIN!! ;) <3

  6. That is really cute! Did you write an Archie comics fan fiction, or something? How funny to find something like that after all these years. I know I'd laugh my face off at that.

    And, you're right. Being blurbed by both Clark Kent and Lois Lane is way better than Stephenie Meyer.

  7. LOL! This is hilarious, Lan! I love that Lois and Clark blurbed you! I used to write odes to my sister's cat when I was young. I'm sure they're lost now but it would be hilarious to read them now.

  8. Congratulations on being a published author! And to get a blurb from Lois and Clark at such a young age? Awesome! :D

  9. Hahaha you're a genius! Ive always wanted to publish my own book too but I don't have the patience and ability to finish my stories. Please don't keep your fabulous writing to yourself-hopefully we can get to see your novels in bookstores soon!:) And when that happens, I will be begging you for a feature on my blog LOL:D

  10. Well if Superman said so then it has to be true! I did one of these called Jessica's Surprise Birthday Party. Can you guess what happens at the end? lol. Superman told me he wouldn't read it.

    Beth ^_^

  11. Oh my gosh--this is so cute! I love your bio. And this should give you extra confidence about getting published, because you already have experience :)

  12. Hehe, thanks all. I thought this was so funny that I couldn't resist showing it to you all. I really miss being a kid.


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